Mimi Hayes

Mimi hayes


Mimi hayes

Author, Comedian, brain-injured girl next door.

Tis’ I! The brain-hemorrhaged comedian!

Hi, hello. How are you today? Oh, I am well. Thank you for asking.

I'm Mimi Hayes. I’m an author, comedian, and brain hemorrhage survivor.

Take off your shoes, stay a while, won’t you? 

Being Funny About not funny things.

Being Funny About not funny things.

I was always a funny person. Ask my mother. I came out of the womb with an Oscar-worthy performance.  And an audience.  I guess it was Take-Your-Intern-To-The-Birthing-Room Day or something. Anyway, I have grown up with a permanent smile on my face.

And then I had a brain hemorrhage. And I smiled some more.

I smiled more because smiling makes you laugh. And when you laugh, you forget for a second that your brain is actually bleeding which makes absolutely no sense. Humor has always been and will always be my defense mechanism. Perhaps this is why men can't tell when I think we're on the worst first date of all time. My bad. I'm just too good at convincing people that I'm stoked on life.  Even when I lose my motor functions and need help using my legs.

It's a funny life I live.

I'm all better now, by the way.  Well, mostly.  I still run into door frames.

This is my journey, my story, and my laughter. 

I don't claim to know much, but I do know this: If you can survive a brain surgery with your sense of humor intact, it's a job well done.

(Commence slow clap)